Training Materials

Video Software Demos

Video ride-alongs familiarize viewers with the look and feel of software. Discover how I crafted a two-part video series in which I design and execute a simple manufacturing operation to pull back the curtain on VIA’s industrial software.


Documentation Wiki

I developed a wiki website to simplify editing and organizing VIA’s documentation. VIA’s software features hundreds of unique “atoms”, which are the building blocks of a proprietary programming language used to define a plant’s data and operational procedures. Each atom has its own rules for usage: atoms must be implemented in a “grammatically correct” way, and often within the context of other atoms. Therefore, each atom requires its own documentation entry. While the wiki has benefits as an end-user resource, it was essential that I create a tool that allowed me to both a) organize and navigate the massive amounts of individual documentation entries and b) create a platform for collaborating with other contributors.

Screenshots of the wiki are below. The first image shows the home page, the second a small portion of the atom dictionary hub page (atoms A through C), and the third a section of an individual documentation entry.


Video Marketing

“Introducing VIA Information Tools”

I crafted accessible video content that eased my audience into the complicated world of industrial manufacturing software. Manufacturers often cobble together ad hoc IT systems as their operations evolve, creating a series of technological artifacts that rarely coheres and is difficult to reverse-engineer. As the video’s protagonist discovers himself in the inhospitable climes of his facility’s IT/OT ecosystem, VIA provides the product and guidance to lead him to a technological promised land.


“Connecting the Dots“

The video below is a 15-second bumper ad for Youtube. The focus of the clip is the engineer character, who, in dealing with the minutiae of systems development, fails to organize a comprehensive information and operations technology scheme. The takeaway is a central part of the pitch for VIA’s software: that we can help you untangle the mess.


Core Competencies

A 30-second bumber for Youtube: it provides the viewer with an overview of VIA software’s basic functionalities.



Below are 3 examples of static content I created for VIA. The graphic documents illustrate key concepts and processes that are essential to the understanding and implementation of VIA’s software.